Tuesday 31 March 2015

Wheelbase Spring Classic Sportive - Sunday 29th March 2015

Another from day and I'm entered into the Sportive ! But it's shorter and easier than last year and after a quick coffee and pastry at More I leave in the first wave. 

Out of Staveley to the main road but then soon to Bowston, Skelsmergh, Mealbank (and up the horrid hill), Paddy Lane, Station Inn and then the road out through Old Hutton towards Kirkby. Most of the time I'm on my own and at the split (short / long route) I seem to be the only one heading left on the short route option. 

Over to Killington and along past Firbank before turning left, over the M6, and cutting across to Appleby Road. Then down that horrid hill and the back road into Staveley. I'm first back but nit necessarily the quickest. An early lunch in More and then home to get warm and dry. 

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