Sunday 1 March 2015

High Cup Nick - Saturday 28th February 2015

I like this race,a bit if everything.....road, traił, fell and cross plenty of mud and weather too !

Last year I chose this as a club championship race so there were plenty of Helm runners.....this year not a champ race and most of Helm have gone to rece Flower Scar.....good to be at a race that is not totally dominated by one club, albeit Keswick have a strong crowd as it is a club champs for them.

Anyway enough of my none 'pc' whinging.......the bad weather which was forecast to come in from the West luckily got delayed so although very muddy and windy heading back from the Nick, things could have been worse.

I do not want to overdo it and KA not feeling great so we deice to run together (and I must point out that contrary of the official results I did NOT pip her at the post...we started together and finished together and the lady which shows as the same time as KA was actually a few second behind her, a slight muddle but no big thing). 

It's a great route but hard going up the track and the across the very boggy ground.  The climb to the Nick is fun and the waterfall was being blown back up and into our faces. The wind is wild as we follow the Pennine Way back to Dufton (might come this way next January !?). KA suffers and rather than encouraging her to go faster, I urge her to slow down but the lure of two ladies slightly ahead spur her on and, yes, she does get past them.  

We finished in about 1:28 and KA 1st Lady V50...a fantastic effort. 

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