Sunday 1 March 2015

Scar Run - Wednesday 25th February 2015

Still don't feel ready for training so again had a run in Scar. This time it was fully dark, and wet and, worse still, really thick mist with visibility literally no more than a few metres. This made for a slightly uneasy run on the Scar, as much as I tried to stay on usual route / paths I kept veering off and almost run into a cow....not sure who was the most startled but decided to then give a wide berth in case she was !

Then thought I was running along end of Scar, knew I needed to cut in the get to mushroom but then came head-on to it. And then (!) lost the path to the swing gate, had to follow wall as a 'handrail' to gap in wall and then left to next swing gate. A real relief to make it back to car, had visions of spending the night lost on the Scar !!!

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