Monday 30 March 2015

Middle Fell Race - Saturday 21st March 2015

A new race for me, head over to Nether Wasdale with KA to run Middle Fell fell race. The weather is cracking, cool and windy but also clear and sunny. 

The pub is an ideal place for registration and after a brief warm-up and recce of the start route we are into the race.  I don't expect too much, just as well really, but I sort of enjoy the couple of miles across the valley bottom and then the tough climb up the ridge from Joss's house. This brings back memories, I was last here supporting Sandra on her JNC, that was an epic !

Things start to foam bit wrong in the descent, within in minutes of the summit I manage to trash my feet - hard to explain but instead of rucking my socks I ruck the soles of both feet, huge blisters and painful all the the way back. It's hard work, and warm too, and a big relief to be back in Nether Wasdale and the finish. 

A quick change and then into the pub for a some great food and a pint; KA runs well and picks up a prize for 2nd lady. 

On way home a quick detour to climb Stickle Pike, I won't into why, but it's important. 

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