So after a long North in the camper, Russ, Garry, Paul and I arrive at Inverlael, just South of Ullapool, early evening. However all is not good, the beer man has not arrived - after 8hrs of driving I need a drink. Fortunately he turns up later and I enjoy a pint of the local brew - good stuff.
The next morning we are up and away early, we are on an early coach and get dropped off a little way South of Braemore Junction. We mark our maps up straight after we dib at the start, I like to see the overview of where we are going and how far away the overnight camp is. It is North of Searna Bhraigh, a remote munro which I have climbed previously.
The good news is that I am in for at least one new munro this weekend. We climb well from the start and soon dib at the first control. It is a lot of climbing,and some descent along the way, to the second control which is on top of the munro, Beinn Dhearg. The weather is good, the cloud is high, it is cool and a light breeze, ideal running conditions.
I am travelling light, trying out some new kit - exciting stuff ! Control 3 is downhill, in a stunning and very remote valley, control 4 involves a big climb, we dig deep for this and are moving well. Controls 5 and 6 are well on the way to this finish and involve little climbing, control 7 at the finish soon comes and we are one of the first teams to finish day 1. This gives us a good choice of camp spots, we choose one close to Strath Mulzie, I recognise this area having biked in from the North to bag the nearby munro.
We are soon joined by Charlie and JP and a little later by Nic and Jo, it's good to chat and catch up on how others have done. We are well positioned and chill in the very small, cosy tent, some late afternoon rain is not so good for the later finishers.
Day 2 starts cool and clear, with stunning views of Searna Bhraigh as the sun rises. We are in the chasing start and are soon up and away. We climb well to control 1 but from here the big climb to the munro is hard going for Russ - he works hard. We are slow to make a route choice decision at the summit but I often think a few minutes deciding can be useful...but perhaps we need to be slicker.
We continue to move well to control 3 at a lochan and then to 4 on another new munro for me, Eididh nan Clach Geala. From here the finish is in sight but it is never that straight forward. After a long descent we have a steep climb to take us to control 5. The finish is not that far away, just down through the woods and along the track. However, this does not go well and we lose a few places...frustrating but we live and learn by our mistakes. From control 6 a shot run in brings us to the finish and some well earned food.
Charlie and JP do very well and are in the prizes, Garry and Paul also do well in the Elite course, good effort boys.
Now just an 8 hour drive home - but what a great weekend - great company, great event and great location.
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