Monday, 25 April 2011

BG Leg 3, Part 1 - Monday 25th April 2011

A late decision...I head off to Dunmail to run the first part of leg 3 of the Bob Graham Round. Some early mist on the summits reminds me of Saturday but today this soon clears.

A stiff climb up to Steel Fell, never easy with no prior warm-up and on to Calf Crag. A few minutes up on schedule and then to Sergeant Man, spend some time here working out the best route, decided to follow main path and then cut right to col and boggy area - seems good but never quite sure if there is a quicker, more efficient way.

Easy running to High Raise, my favourite Lakeland summit, you can see just about every major peak, or at least range, from here...what a place to be on a day like this. Onto Thunacar Knott, Harrison Stickle and then to Pike O'Stickle, easy running over familiar terrain. Decide to go as far as Rossett Pike and then descend via the main path to Mickleden. Surprising just how few people about today but, for me, this is no bad thing.

Down into Langdale, now just need to get back to my car at Dunmail !

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