I head to Pilates, a small class, but we work just as hard.
Then I head out on my 'micro-adventure'; it was a bit of a late decision, but sort kit before Pilates, and head off from Barley Bridge to Brunt Knott. It had been a glorious day and the evening and night were forecast to stay that way.
I take a leisurely walk up, weighed down by 2.5l of water and a bottle of beer :-). The summit is breezy, so I pitch just North in a sheltered spot, fantastic view from here to the whole of the South and Mid Lakes, plus the Shap Fells, Howgills, Bowland and Morecambe Bay.
The sunset is spectacular, as is the full moon. I have my beer and curry, custard for dessert, then for supper, hot chocolate, Baileys and a choccie bar - life is, on occasions, good.
I sleep well, a new set-up - flysheet and groundsheet only, it works well, more space and less weight. I leave the door open and on the few occasions I wake I peer out to the silhouetted fells.
I'm up early, quick coffee, tent down and back at car soon after 7, then home, showered and in work by 8 - coolio ;-)
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