Saturday, 10 September 2011

Ian Hodgson Relay, Leg 3 - Saturday 10th September 2011

Don't want to overdo it today as the Mountain Trial is tomorrow. So head to Hartsop to run Leg 3 of the IHR. The forecast is not great and the drive over Kirkstone is in thick mist but Hartsop and the lower fells are clear and dry.

Head up the tarmac track to CP 1 and then follow wall up to main path. Take a few obvious short-cut trods to CP 2 at the Angle Tarn, this would make a great place to camp. From there take the higher path and then drop down to Boredale Hause. Again main path from here, taking the lower option to Side Farm. Disappointing that I am too early for the tea shop to be open, rumour has it that they bake excellent rock cakes :-)

Take easy track and then path back to Hartsop - 10 minutes cooling muscles in the river and then coffee from my flask. In need of lunch, More Bakery (2nd visit today....almond croissant and latte on the way out) for bacon & egg roll :-)

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