This is the second running of this epic event, I completed in the inaugural race last year; that was a tough, full-on day - blizzard conditions to start and significantly sub-zero temperatures all day long - what a day, will it be repeated this year.....
Well there is again snow on the ground but the temperature is, genuinely, about 10c warmer. The start is flexible, I decide to wait until light and set-off at 07:57. I am carrying a big pack, I do not want to travel light at this time of year. The road leading out of Askham is black ice, probably the most treacherous bit of the whole route, but soon on to Askham Common and easier underfoot.
I make good progress to Martindale Church, CP 1, and then up Boredale to the Hause. CP 2 in Patterdale does not officially open until 10am, I get there a little early but it is fortunately open and I am allowed through. Easy running takes me to Greenside Mines and then it starts to get tough. The climb from here to Sticks Pass is through deep snow, sometimes hard, sometimes soft and visibility is reduced...thick mist and snow makes it difficult to determine where the horizon is...what is up and what is all becomes a blur.
Anyway, despite the struggle I make it to the head of the Pass and hope for easier running on the way down...wishful thinking ! The skiers have got it right, even those skinning uphill are finding it easier than I am running downhill ! It is hard going, sinking knee and sometimes waist deep in snow. The last descent to Stannah Bridge is on wet snow and steep grass, not a good combination !
Anyway from here the going gets easier. Along to Thirlspot and then through the woods to Dunmail; this is good running. I climb well to Grisedale tarn and a good descent leads back to Patterdale. It took 2 hours to get to Patterdale, 4 hours around Helvellyn, will I make it back in a further 2 hours and be inside 8 hours ?
I have drunk very little and this starts to catch-up on me, I dig deep and plough on. back to Martindale Church within an hour but the last section is hard going and I make it back to Askham, in the light, in 8hours 11mins. A great day out and about 40mins quicker than last year.
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